Courtesy: Pollution control board [mpcb] consent

) MPCB’s initiatives in effective consent management:—
The Board has taken following effective measures with regard to the “Make-in-India Initiative”
under State of Maharashtra for expediting the statutory permissions.
(a) Simplified application form has been devised to obtain consent for Green Category
of industries;
(£>) The period for scrutiny of consent application and grant of consent has been reduced
to 60 days from that of 120 days statutory period ;
(c) The visit and sampling norms have been made more easy to follow and reliance has
been kept on self certification at the time of grant of renewal of consent;
(d) The auto-renewal scheme on the basis of self certification has been made applicable
to all category of industries, more particularly for Green and Orange Category industries, it
has been made more simplified”;
(e) The online submission, scrutiny of application for consent and online grant thereof
have been adopted in the MPCB ;
(/) The renewal of consent has been granted for minimum five years and maximum upto
05, 10 and 15 years for Green, Orange and Red category of industries respectively;
(g) MPCB has joined the scheme of “Single-Window” system at MAITRKInvestment
Facilitation Cell) for considering grant of consents after statutory period of 120 days from
authority at Single-Window ; ~
(h) Randomized Risk Based inspection & Sampling (RRBIS) scheme has been introduced
for monitoring of various polluting activities, where the Field Officer from other area will
cause 25% visit, inspection and sampling from the randomized computer generated list, so as
to bring the element of 3rd person monitoring in regular system to bring more reliability and
transparency in monitoring;
(i) In compliance of Maharashtra Right To Service Act, 2015, the provision for Appeals
against non-grant of consent upto Regional Officer level consents have been introduced in
the MPCB.
(B) Refusal / Revocation of the Consents and Forfeiture of Bank Guarantee :—
In case, the compliance is not secured within stipulated time provided to concern industry,
the Board shall initiate action for forfeiture of Bank Guarantee and wherever there is evidence of
substantial compliances provision for considering extension of time for securing complete and
thorough compliance by forfeiting proportionate bank guarantees only. The uniform procedure
for imposing bank guarantees and its forfeiture with reference to degree of non compliance has
been already adopted from 2011 onward. Wherever there is continual non-compliance, in
spite of sufficient opportunities and with extension of time is given by the Board (not more than
3 times), after third extension, further stringent actions such as refusal/revocation of consent and
further final directions of closure etc shall be initiated. However, in cases of serious violations,
no second opportunity and extension of time will be granted. The refusal / revocation order will
be issued as may deem fit in the circumstances of particular case.
(C) Uniform integrated approach for consent management:—
The MFC Board has adopted “Uniform Integrated Approach for Consent Management.” The
said policy is under implementation. This policy basically takes into consideration material balance
aspect to ensure that nothing is finding its way into the environment in contravention of consent
conditions and to the extent possible, most conservative approach will be adopted in use of natural
resources like water, raw material, energy etc. The sector specific approach by identifying highly
vulnerable pollution streams and imposing more stringent conditions in the consent to regulate
such streams have been adopted. Here, the classifications of industries by CPCB based on pollution
potential, various directives issued by the CPCB and other Forums as well as various statutory
guidelines and circulars issued by the Competent-Authorities from time to time shall be taken