Courtesy: ISO 28005-1:2013 part 1
ISO 28000:2007 was initially developed so that organizations of varying scale could apply the standard to their supply chains of various degrees of complexity. Now, after the revison, ISO 28000:2022 can be applied beyond the supply chain to all aspects of the organization.
The general rational for an organization to adopt ISO 28000:2022 pertains to:
- developing a security management system,
- internal compliance with objectives of a security management policy,
- external compliance with best practice benchmarks,
- conformity assurance with the standard,
- enhancing the organization’s resilience by an effective, coordinated and integrated application of its security management system.
ISO 28000:2022 is a certifiable standard. In 2016, the countries with the highest number of certificates were India (425), Japan (299), Spain (231), US (223) and UK (197).

ISO 1 – ISO 99 ISO 1:2016 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Standard reference temperature for the specification of geometrical and dimensional properties ISO 2:1973 Textiles – Designation of the direction of twist in yarns and related products ISO 3:1973 Preferred numbers – Series of preferred numbers ISO 4:1997 Information and documentation – Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles of publications ISO 5 Photography and graphic technology – Density measurements ISO 6:1993 Photography – Black-and-white pictorial still camera negative film/process systems
Determination of ISO speed ISO 7 Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads ISO 8:1977 Documentation – Presentation of periodicals ISO 9:1995 Information and documentation – Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters – Slavic and non-Slavic languages ISO 11:1987 Aircraft – Ground pressure testing connections for pressure cabins ISO 12:1987 Aerospace – Pipelines – Identification ISO 14:1982 Straight-sided splines for cylindrical shafts with internal centering – Dimensions, tolerances and verification ISO 15:2017 Rolling bearings – Radial bearings – Boundary dimensions, general plan ISO 16:1975 Acoustics – Standard tuning frequency (Standard musical pitch) ISO 17:1973 Guide to the use of preferred numbers and of series of preferred numbers ISO 18:1981