Internal Auditor Training on ISO17025 NABL

Training internal

Training internal auditors on ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories) requirements is crucial for ensuring the effective implementation and maintenance of a quality management system in testing and calibration laboratories. Here’s a suggested outline for internal auditor training on ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL:

Day 1: Introduction to ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL

  1. Overview of ISO/IEC 17025:2017
    • Purpose and scope
    • Key principles and concepts
  2. Introduction to NABL
    • Role and significance in accreditation
    • NABL accreditation process
  3. Quality Management System (QMS) Requirements
    • Understanding the structure of ISO/IEC 17025
    • Documentation requirements

Day 2: Specific Requirements of ISO/IEC 17025

  1. Management Requirements
    • Organization and management commitment
    • Resource management
  2. Technical Requirements
    • General requirements for competence
    • Accommodation and environmental conditions
    • Test and calibration methods and method validation

Day 3: More Technical Requirements and Internal Audit Process

  1. Equipment and Calibration
    • General requirements for equipment
    • Calibration and traceability
  2. Sampling
    • Sample identification, handling, and transportation
  3. Internal Audit Process
    • Purpose and benefits of internal audits
    • Planning and conducting internal audits
    • Reporting and follow-up

Day 4: Practical Exercises and Case Studies

  1. Practical Exercises
    • Conducting a mock internal audit
    • Identifying nonconformities
  2. Case Studies
    • Review of real-world examples
    • Lessons learned from other laboratories

Day 5: Closing and Certification

  1. Closing Session
    • Q&A session
    • Feedback and suggestions
  2. Certification
    • Evaluation and certification process for internal auditors

Additional Tips:

  • Interactive Learning: Incorporate interactive sessions, group discussions, and hands-on activities to enhance participant engagement.
  • Role-Play: Conduct role-playing exercises to simulate internal audit scenarios and improve practical audit skills.
  • Practical Application: Encourage participants to apply their knowledge through real-life examples from their own laboratories.
  • Resources: Provide participants with relevant documents, including ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL guidelines, for reference.
  • Continued Learning: Emphasize the importance of ongoing learning and staying updated with changes in standards and accreditation requirements.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Establish a feedback mechanism for participants to share their thoughts on the training program, helping improve future sessions.

Remember, the success of the internal auditor training program relies on a well-structured curriculum and an interactive, engaging delivery method.

What is Internal Auditor Training on ISO17025 NABl

Internal Auditor Training on ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories) is a program designed to equip individuals within a laboratory with the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct internal audits based on the ISO/IEC 17025 standard and comply with NABL accreditation requirements. ISO/IEC 17025 is an international standard that specifies the general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. NABL, on the other hand, is the accrediting body in India that provides accreditation to laboratories based on ISO/IEC 17025.

Here are key components of such a training program:

  1. Understanding ISO/IEC 17025:2017:

    • Participants learn the fundamentals of ISO/IEC 17025, its structure, and the principles it outlines for a laboratory’s quality management system.
  2. NABL Accreditation Process:
    • An overview of the NABL accreditation process, requirements, and the steps laboratories need to take to achieve and maintain accreditation.
  3. Quality Management System (QMS) Requirements:
    • Detailed exploration of the QMS requirements outlined in ISO/IEC 17025, including documentation, management commitment, and resource management.
  4. Technical Requirements:
    • In-depth coverage of technical requirements, such as competence, accommodation, environmental conditions, and validation of test and calibration methods.
  5. Management and Technical Auditing Skills:
    • Training on auditing techniques and skills specific to the management and technical aspects of laboratories.
  6. Documentation Requirements:
    • Understanding the documentation needed for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL standards.
  7. Internal Audit Process:
    • Practical guidance on planning, conducting, reporting, and follow-up of internal audits within the laboratory.
  8. Equipment and Calibration:
    • Specific requirements for equipment, calibration procedures, and traceability in accordance with the standards.
  9. Sampling:
    • Training on proper sample identification, handling, and transportation procedures.
  10. Practical Exercises and Case Studies:
    • Application of theoretical knowledge through practical exercises, role-playing, and analysis of case studies.
  11. Continual Improvement:
    • Emphasis on the importance of continual improvement in laboratory processes and practices.
  12. Certification:
    • Evaluation and certification of participants who successfully complete the training program, indicating their readiness to serve as internal auditors.

This training program helps laboratories establish and maintain a robust quality management system, ensuring compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 and facilitating the accreditation process with NABL. Internal auditors play a crucial role in evaluating and improving the effectiveness of the laboratory’s quality management system, contributing to the overall reliability and credibility of the laboratory’s testing and calibration activities.

Who is required Internal Auditor Training on ISO17025 NABL

Individuals who are required to undergo Internal Auditor Training on ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL typically include those working within testing and calibration laboratories, especially those seeking accreditation from NABL. The following groups of professionals benefit from such training:

  1. Laboratory Quality Managers:
    • Individuals responsible for overseeing the quality management system within the laboratory. They ensure that the laboratory complies with ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL accreditation requirements.
  2. Quality Assurance Officers:
    • Professionals involved in implementing and monitoring quality assurance practices within the laboratory.
  3. Laboratory Managers and Supervisors:
    • Those in leadership roles within the laboratory who want to understand the internal auditing process to ensure continual improvement and compliance.
  4. Technical Staff:
    • Testing and calibration personnel who are directly involved in laboratory operations. Training helps them understand the quality management system and their role in maintaining compliance.
  5. Documentation and Records Staff:
    • Individuals responsible for maintaining and managing documentation and records within the laboratory, ensuring that documentation meets ISO/IEC 17025 requirements.
  6. NABL Coordinators:
    • Personnel designated as NABL coordinators within the laboratory, responsible for coordinating and facilitating the accreditation process.
  7. Those Involved in Internal Audits:
    • Individuals who will be actively involved in planning, conducting, and reporting on internal audits within the laboratory.
  8. Professionals Involved in Method Validation:
    • Personnel responsible for validating test and calibration methods as per ISO/IEC 17025 requirements.
  9. Individuals Preparing for NABL Assessments:
    • Professionals who anticipate being involved in NABL assessments and wish to familiarize themselves with the auditing process.
  10. Anyone Involved in Laboratory Quality Control:
    • Individuals involved in maintaining and improving the laboratory’s quality control processes.
  11. Technical Experts and Specialists:
    • Professionals with technical expertise in specific areas within the laboratory who want to contribute to the overall quality management system.

By providing internal auditor training to these individuals, laboratories ensure that their staff possesses the necessary knowledge and skills to maintain a robust quality management system, perform internal audits, and contribute to the laboratory’s successful accreditation process with NABL. Training helps create a culture of quality and continuous improvement within the laboratory, enhancing the reliability and credibility of its testing and calibration activities.

When is required Internal Auditor Training on ISO17025 NABL

Internal Auditor Training on ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL is typically required in the following situations:

  1. Initial Implementation of ISO/IEC 17025:
    • When a laboratory is initially implementing ISO/IEC 17025 and seeking accreditation from NABL, internal auditor training is crucial to ensure that personnel are familiar with the standard’s requirements and are capable of conducting internal audits.
  2. Accreditation Maintenance:
    • Laboratories that have already achieved NABL accreditation need to maintain compliance with ISO/IEC 17025. Regular internal auditor training is essential to ensure that staff members stay updated on any changes to the standards and are equipped to maintain the effectiveness of the laboratory’s quality management system.
  3. Personnel Changes:
    • When there are significant changes in personnel, particularly in roles related to quality management and internal auditing, it is advisable to provide training to new staff members or those assuming new responsibilities.
  4. Updates to Standards:
    • Periodically, ISO/IEC standards, including ISO/IEC 17025, may be revised. When updates occur, internal auditor training becomes necessary to familiarize personnel with the changes and ensure continued compliance.
  5. Continuous Improvement Initiatives:
    • Organizations committed to a culture of continual improvement may schedule internal auditor training regularly to enhance the skills of their staff and promote ongoing excellence in laboratory operations.
  6. NABL Assessments:
    • Prior to scheduled NABL assessments or audits, internal auditor training can help reinforce the skills needed for effective internal audits. This ensures that the laboratory is well-prepared for external assessments.
  7. Identification of Nonconformities:
    • In response to the identification of nonconformities during internal audits or external assessments, additional internal auditor training may be provided to address specific areas of improvement.
  8. Operational Changes:
    • Any significant changes in laboratory processes, equipment, or scope of activities may necessitate internal auditor training to align auditing practices with the modified operational context.

It’s important to note that the need for internal auditor training is not limited to a one-time event. Continuous education and skill development are essential to maintain a high level of competence among internal auditors and ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the laboratory’s quality management system. Training intervals can be determined based on the laboratory’s specific needs, the frequency of standard updates, and changes in personnel or operations.

Where is required Internal Auditor Training on ISO17025 NABL

Internal Auditor Training on ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL is typically conducted within the laboratory or organization seeking accreditation. The training can be organized at the laboratory’s premises or at an external training facility, depending on the preferences and resources of the organization. Here are the common locations where internal auditor training may take place:

  1. In-House Training:
    • Many organizations opt to conduct internal auditor training in-house. This involves bringing in a qualified trainer or utilizing internal experts to deliver the training sessions within the laboratory’s facilities. In-house training is convenient as it allows for customization based on the laboratory’s specific needs and schedules.
  2. External Training Providers:
    • Laboratories may choose to send their personnel to external training providers who specialize in ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL accreditation training. These external training sessions are often organized by accredited training organizations or consulting firms with expertise in laboratory quality management.
  3. Web-Based or Online Training:
    • Online training programs and webinars are becoming increasingly popular. This option provides flexibility for participants to access training modules remotely, allowing them to learn at their own pace. Web-based training is particularly useful for organizations with dispersed teams or limited resources for on-site training.
  4. Seminars and Workshops:
    • Laboratories may participate in seminars, workshops, or conferences organized by industry associations, accreditation bodies, or professional training organizations. These events often include sessions on ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL requirements, providing an opportunity for networking and learning from industry experts.
  5. Government or Industry Training Programs:
    • Some government agencies, industry associations, or trade organizations offer training programs related to laboratory accreditation and ISO standards. Laboratories can take advantage of such programs to enhance the skills of their internal auditors.
  6. Collaborative Training Initiatives:
    • Laboratories within the same industry or sector may collaborate to organize joint training initiatives. This approach allows participants to share experiences and best practices, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

The choice of location depends on factors such as the laboratory’s budget, the availability of qualified trainers, the number of participants, and the organization’s preference for in-house training or external expertise. Regardless of the location, the training should align with the specific needs of the laboratory, cover the relevant ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL requirements, and equip internal auditors with the skills necessary to effectively audit the laboratory’s quality management system.

How is required Internal Auditor Training on ISO17025 NABL

Conducting Internal Auditor Training on ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL involves several steps to ensure its effectiveness and relevance to the laboratory’s needs. Here’s a general guide on how to implement internal auditor training:

Step 1: Needs Assessment

  1. Identify Participants:
    • Determine the individuals within the laboratory who need internal auditor training, considering roles like quality managers, laboratory managers, technical staff, and those directly involved in internal audits.
  2. Understand Training Objectives:
    • Clearly define the objectives of the training program, such as achieving and maintaining ISO/IEC 17025 compliance, preparing for NABL accreditation, or addressing specific improvement areas identified through previous audits.

Step 2: Select Training Format

  1. Choose Training Location:
    • Decide whether the training will be conducted in-house, through external providers, online, or a combination of these options.
  2. Select Training Providers:
    • If using external providers, choose accredited trainers or training organizations with expertise in ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL accreditation.
  3. Consider Training Methodology:
    • Decide on the training methodology, such as classroom sessions, workshops, practical exercises, and case studies.

Step 3: Develop Training Content

  1. Customize Training Material:
    • Tailor training content to address the specific needs and processes of the laboratory. Include relevant examples and case studies.
  2. Cover Key Topics:
    • Ensure that the training covers key topics such as ISO/IEC 17025 requirements, NABL accreditation process, internal audit planning and execution, documentation, and continual improvement.

Step 4: Schedule Training Sessions

  1. Plan Training Schedule:
    • Develop a training schedule that accommodates participants’ workloads and ensures minimal disruption to laboratory operations.
  2. Consider Training Duration:
    • Determine the appropriate duration for the training, balancing the need for comprehensive coverage with the availability of participants.

Step 5: Deliver Training

  1. Conduct Training Sessions:
    • Deliver the training sessions according to the planned schedule, ensuring active participation, engagement, and opportunities for questions and discussions.
  2. Use Interactive Methods:
    • Incorporate interactive methods such as group discussions, role-playing, and hands-on exercises to enhance learning.

Step 6: Assess and Certify

  1. Assess Participants:
    • Conduct assessments, quizzes, or practical exercises to evaluate participants’ understanding and application of the training content.
  2. Provide Feedback:
    • Offer constructive feedback to participants, highlighting areas of strength and areas that may need improvement.
  3. Issue Certificates:
    • Certify participants who successfully complete the training program, indicating their qualification as internal auditors.

Step 7: Follow-Up

  1. Encourage Continuous Learning:
    • Promote a culture of continuous learning by encouraging participants to stay updated on ISO/IEC 17025 changes, industry best practices, and advancements in laboratory quality management.
  2. Collect Feedback:
    • Gather feedback from participants to assess the effectiveness of the training program and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Monitor Internal Audits:
    • Monitor the performance of internal auditors in subsequent internal audits to ensure the application of the knowledge gained during training.

By following these steps, laboratories can ensure that their internal auditor training on ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL is well-planned, effectively delivered, and contributes to the enhancement of the laboratory’s quality management system.

Case study on Internal Auditor Training on ISO17025 NABL

Title: Strengthening Laboratory Quality Management through Internal Auditor Training on ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL


A reputable testing and calibration laboratory, aiming for continuous improvement and excellence, recognized the importance of enhancing its internal audit capabilities to maintain compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 standards and achieve NABL accreditation. The laboratory identified the need to conduct a comprehensive Internal Auditor Training program to empower its staff with the necessary skills and knowledge.


  1. Achieve a deeper understanding of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and NABL accreditation requirements.
  2. Develop internal auditors capable of planning, conducting, and reporting effective internal audits.
  3. Ensure the alignment of laboratory processes with ISO/IEC 17025 standards for enhanced quality management.


Needs Assessment:

A cross-functional team, including quality managers, laboratory supervisors, and NABL coordinators, conducted a thorough needs assessment. This involved identifying key personnel for training, understanding current audit practices, and pinpointing areas where improvement was needed.

Training Format and Content Development:

  1. Selection of Training Providers:
    • Engaged an accredited training organization specializing in ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL accreditation.
  2. Customization of Training Material:
    • The training material was tailored to the laboratory’s unique processes, incorporating real-life examples and case studies to ensure relevance.
  3. Training Methodology:
    • A blended approach was adopted, combining classroom sessions with hands-on workshops and practical exercises. This allowed participants to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Training Delivery:

  1. Interactive Sessions:
    • Conducted interactive training sessions to foster engagement, encourage questions, and facilitate group discussions.
  2. Practical Exercises:
    • Implemented practical exercises simulating internal audit scenarios within the laboratory, allowing participants to apply audit techniques and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Role-Playing:
    • Organized role-playing exercises to simulate audit interactions and enhance communication skills.

Assessment and Certification:

  1. Continuous Evaluation:
    • Conducted ongoing assessments through quizzes, case studies, and group projects to gauge participants’ understanding.
  2. Feedback Mechanism:
    • Regular feedback sessions were held to address questions, concerns, and to provide constructive feedback on individual and group performance.
  3. Certification:
    • Issued certificates to participants who successfully completed the training, officially recognizing them as qualified internal auditors.

Follow-Up and Impact:

  1. Post-Training Internal Audits:
    • Participants were encouraged to apply their newly acquired skills by actively participating in internal audits within the laboratory.
  2. Feedback Collection:
    • Gathered feedback from both participants and the laboratory’s leadership to assess the training program’s effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Positive Outcomes:
    • The laboratory observed improvements in audit efficiency, identification of nonconformities, and a heightened awareness of the importance of quality management.
  4. NABL Accreditation:
    • The laboratory successfully navigated the NABL accreditation process with increased confidence and demonstrated compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 standards.


The Internal Auditor Training on ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL played a pivotal role in strengthening the laboratory’s commitment to quality. By investing in the development of internal auditors, the laboratory not only achieved its accreditation goals but also fostered a culture of continual improvement, ensuring its position as a trusted and reliable testing and calibration facility.

White Paper on Internal Auditor Training on ISO17025 NABL

Title: Enhancing Laboratory Competence: A White Paper on Internal Auditor Training for ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL Accreditation

Executive Summary:

This white paper explores the importance of Internal Auditor Training for laboratories seeking compliance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standards and accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL). As laboratories play a critical role in ensuring the quality and reliability of testing and calibration results, this document outlines the key components, benefits, and best practices associated with effective internal auditor training.


The Significance of ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL Accreditation:

ISO/IEC 17025 establishes the general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, ensuring that they operate in a consistent, reliable, and standardized manner. NABL, as the national accrediting body, plays a crucial role in providing formal recognition to laboratories that demonstrate compliance with ISO/IEC 17025.

Key Components of Internal Auditor Training:

1. Understanding ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL:

  • In-depth exploration of ISO/IEC 17025 requirements.
  • Overview of NABL accreditation processes and expectations.

2. Quality Management System (QMS) Requirements:

  • Examination of QMS principles and documentation requirements.
  • The role of leadership and resource management in maintaining a robust QMS.

3. Technical Competence:

  • Detailed understanding of technical requirements, including competence, accommodation, and method validation.
  • Calibration and traceability considerations.

4. Internal Audit Process:

  • Comprehensive training on planning, conducting, and reporting internal audits.
  • Practical exercises and case studies to simulate real-world scenarios.

5. Documentation and Records:

  • Guidance on maintaining documentation in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025.
  • Importance of accurate record-keeping for NABL accreditation.

6. NABL Assessment Preparation:

  • Strategies for preparing laboratory personnel for NABL assessments.
  • Aligning internal audit practices with NABL accreditation expectations.

Benefits of Internal Auditor Training:

  1. Compliance Assurance:
    • Ensures laboratories adhere to ISO/IEC 17025 standards, paving the way for NABL accreditation.
  2. Continuous Improvement:
    • Fosters a culture of continual improvement by identifying areas for enhancement through internal audits.
  3. Enhanced Competence:
    • Equips laboratory personnel with the skills to conduct effective internal audits, contributing to overall competence.
  4. Risk Management:
    • Improves risk identification and management within the laboratory’s quality management system.
  5. NABL Accreditation Success:
    • Enhances the likelihood of successful NABL accreditation, positioning the laboratory as a trusted entity.

Best Practices in Internal Auditor Training:

  1. Customization:
    • Tailoring training content to align with the laboratory’s specific processes and scope.
  2. Practical Application:
    • Incorporating practical exercises, role-playing, and case studies to reinforce theoretical knowledge.
  3. Interactive Learning:
    • Encouraging participant engagement through discussions, Q&A sessions, and collaborative activities.
  4. Regular Updates:
    • Staying informed about changes to ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL requirements to ensure training remains current.
  5. Feedback Mechanism:
    • Establishing a feedback loop to continuously improve the training program based on participant input.


Internal Auditor Training on ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL accreditation is a strategic investment for laboratories committed to quality excellence. By fostering a culture of competence, compliance, and continuous improvement, laboratories can not only achieve accreditation but also contribute to the overall advancement of the testing and calibration industry. This white paper serves as a guide for laboratories seeking to navigate the complexities of internal auditor training, ultimately positioning them as leaders in quality assurance and reliability.

Industrial Application of Internal Auditor Training on ISO17025 NABl

The industrial application of Internal Auditor Training on ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL accreditation is critical for ensuring the quality, reliability, and compliance of testing and calibration laboratories in various industries. Let’s explore how this training is applied in an industrial context:

1. Quality Management System Implementation:

  • Objective: Establishing and maintaining an effective Quality Management System (QMS) based on ISO/IEC 17025.
  • Application: Internal auditors, trained in ISO/IEC 17025, play a key role in implementing and assessing the QMS within industrial laboratories. This ensures standardized processes, accurate results, and compliance with industry standards.

2. Compliance with Industry Regulations:

  • Objective: Ensuring laboratories comply with industry-specific regulations and standards.
  • Application: Internal auditors, equipped with ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL knowledge, verify that laboratory operations align with both international standards and industry-specific regulations. This is crucial in industries such as pharmaceuticals, automotive, environmental, and food safety.

3. Risk Management in Industrial Processes:

  • Objective: Identifying and mitigating risks associated with testing and calibration processes.
  • Application: Trained internal auditors conduct risk assessments during internal audits, helping industries identify potential risks to the accuracy and reliability of testing processes. This proactive approach contributes to overall risk management in industrial settings.

4. Ensuring Product Quality and Safety:

  • Objective: Guaranteeing the quality and safety of products through accurate testing and calibration.
  • Application: Internal auditors assess the laboratory’s adherence to ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL requirements, ensuring that testing procedures meet industry standards. This is crucial for industries producing goods that must meet stringent quality and safety criteria.

5. Supply Chain Assurance:

  • Objective: Verifying the quality of components and materials within the supply chain.
  • Application: Industries heavily dependent on supply chains benefit from internal auditors ensuring that testing and calibration processes are reliable. This contributes to the overall assurance of quality in the components and materials used in the production process.

6. Accurate Data for Decision-Making:

  • Objective: Providing accurate and reliable data for informed decision-making.
  • Application: Trained internal auditors verify that laboratories adhere to ISO/IEC 17025’s requirements for accurate and reliable testing. This ensures that the data generated by laboratories is trustworthy, supporting sound decision-making in industrial processes.

7. Facilitating Global Trade:

  • Objective: Meeting international standards for trade and collaboration.
  • Application: Industries engaged in global trade benefit from NABL accreditation, as it provides international recognition of the laboratory’s competence. Trained internal auditors contribute to maintaining this accreditation, facilitating smoother trade relationships.

8. Continuous Improvement in Processes:

  • Objective: Fostering a culture of continual improvement in laboratory processes.
  • Application: Internal auditors, trained in ISO/IEC 17025, actively contribute to identifying areas for improvement during audits. This culture of continual improvement is essential for adapting to evolving industry needs and staying ahead of technological advancements.


The industrial application of Internal Auditor Training on ISO/IEC 17025 and NABL is instrumental in ensuring that laboratories within various industries operate at the highest standards of quality, compliance, and efficiency. This, in turn, contributes to the overall success, reliability, and competitiveness of industries engaged in manufacturing, research, and product development.