Category Archives: ISO/TS 17948:2014 health information traditional Chinese medicine literature metedata

ISO/TS 17948:2014 health information traditional chinese medicine literature metedata

Courtesy: ISO/TS 17948:2014 health information traditional chinese medicine literature metedata At the beginning of Hong Kong’s opening up, Western medicine was not yet popular, and Western medicine doctors were mostly foreigners; local residents mostly relied on Chinese medicine practitioners. In 1841, the British government of Hong Kong issued an announcement pledging to govern Hong Kong residents […]

ISO/TS 17948:2014 health information traditional chinese medicine literature metedata

Courtesy: ISO/TS 17948:2014 health information traditional chinese medicine literature metedata In the centuries that followed, several shorter books tried to summarize or systematize the contents of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon. The Canon of Problems (probably second century CE) tried to reconcile divergent doctrines from the Inner Canon and developed a complete medical system centered on needling therapy. The AB Canon of […]

ISO/TS 17948:2014 Health information traditional chinese medicine literature metedata

Courtesy: ISO/TS 17948:2014 Health information traditional chinese medicine literature metedata Scholars in the history of medicine in China distinguish its doctrines and practice from those of present-day TCM. As Ian Johnson notes, the term “Traditional Chinese Medicine” was coined by “party propagandists” and first appeared in English in 1955. Nathan Sivin criticizes attempts to treat medicine and medical practices […]

ISO/TS 17948:2014 health information traditional Chinese medicine literature metedata

Courtesy: ISO/TS 17948:2014 health information traditional Chinese medicine literature metedata ISO/TS 17948:2014 defines the core set of TCM literature metadata, describes the principles and methods of TCM metadata, and specifies the formal description of TCM metadata. It applies to the storage, processing, recording, maintenance and exchange of TCM literature. It covers areas of identification, content, […]