Category Archives: Iso & Product Certification 2

Iso & Product Certification 2

ISO/IEC 17000:2004 Conformity assessment

ISO/IEC 17000:2004 specifies general terms and definitions relating to conformity assessment, including the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies, and to the use of conformity assessment to facilitate trade. A description of the functional approach to conformity assessment is included as a further aid to understanding among users of conformity assessment, conformity assessment bodies and their […]

ISO/Tr 16310:2014 Symbol Libraries For Construction And Facilities Management

ISO/TR 16310:2014 intends to specify the requirements and needs for supplying and managing standardized symbolic descriptions of objects that need to be specified in the construction process. Within this context, the term “symbol” is interpreted to cover pure symbolic presentation as well as simplified representation of geometrical shapes of objects.

ISO/Tr 16310:2014 Symbol Libraries For Construction And Facilities Management

ISO/TR 16310:2014 intends to specify the requirements and needs for supplying and managing standardized symbolic descriptions of objects that need to be specified in the construction process. Within this context, the term “symbol” is interpreted to cover pure symbolic presentation as well as simplified representation of geometrical shapes of objects.

SO 16239:2013 Metric Series Wires For Measuring Screw Threads

ISO 16239:2013 specifies the material, metric series nominal diameters, diameter tolerances, and designation for screw thread measuring wires. ISO 16239:2013 is applicable to measure the pitch diameters of ISO general purpose metric screw threads (M), Unified screw threads (UN), Whitworth pipe threads (G, R), and ISO metric trapezoidal screw threads (Tr) with standard pitches. These […]

ISO 16239:2013 Metric Series Wires For Measuring Screw Threads

ISO 16239:2013 specifies the material, metric series nominal diameters, diameter tolerances, and designation for screw thread measuring wires. ISO 16239:2013 is applicable to measure the pitch diameters of ISO general purpose metric screw threads (M), Unified screw threads (UN), Whitworth pipe threads (G, R), and ISO metric trapezoidal screw threads (Tr) with standard pitches. These […]

ISO 16155:2006 Ships And Marine Technology

Ships And Marine Technology – Computer Applications – Shipboard Loading Instruments This standard is applicable where computer equipment is used to perform functions related to loading and*ship safety, such as, but not limited to, intact and damaged stability and longitudinal strength.*This standard defines requirements to a shipboard loading instrument that is supplementary to IMO MSC/Circ.*836, […]

ISO 16087:2013 Implants for surgery

ISO 16087:2013 provides requirements for the clinical assessment of migration of orthopaedic implants with roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis (RSA).GENERAL INFORMATION Status :   Published Publication date : 2013-10 Edition : 1Number of pages : 12 Technical Committee : ISO/TC 150/SC 4 Bone and joint replacements ICS : 11.040.40 Implants for surgery, prosthetics and orthotics Status :   Published Publication date : 2013-10 Edition : 1Number of pages : 12 Technical Committee : ISO/TC 150/SC 4 Bone and joint replacements ICS : 11.040.40 Implants for […]

ISO/IEC 16963:2017

ISO/IEC 16963:2017 specifies an accelerated ageing test method for estimating the lifetime of the retrievability of information stored on recordable or rewritable optical disks. The method is based on the theoretical assumption that the lifetime of data recorded on an optical disk has a lognormal distribution. Detailed testing is specified for the following formats: DVD-R/RW/RAM […]

ISO 16061:2015 Instrumentation For Use In Association With Non-Active Surgical Implants

ISO 16061:2015 specifies general requirements for instruments to be used in association with non-active surgical implants. These requirements apply to instruments when they are manufactured and when they are resupplied after refurbishment. This International Standard also applies to instruments which may be connected to power-driven systems, but does not apply to the power-driven systems themselves. […]