Courtesy: ISO 17987 road vehicles local interconnect network (LIN) BREAK: The BREAK field is used to activate all attached LIN slaves to listen to the following parts of the header. It consists of one start bit and several dominant bits. The length is at least 11-bit times; standard use as of today are 13-bit times, and […]
Category Archives: ISO 17987 road vehicles local interconnected network (LIN)
Courtesy: ISO 17987 road vehicles local interconnect network(LIN) Frame types Unconditional frame. These always carry signals and their identifiers are in the range 0 to 59 (0x00 to 0x3b). All subscribers of the unconditional frame shall receive the frame and make it available to the application (assuming no errors were detected). Event-triggered frame. The purpose of this […]
Courtesy: ISO 17987 road vehicles local interconnect network (LIN) LIN is a broadcast serial network comprising 16 nodes (one master and typically up to 15 slaves). All messages are initiated by the master with at most one slave replying to a given message identifier. The master node can also act as a slave by replying to its own […]
Courtesy: ISO 17987 road vehicles local interconnected network (LIN) LIN (Local Interconnect Network) is a serial network protocol used for communication between components in vehicles. It is a single wire, serial network protocol that supports communications up to 19.2 Kbit/s at a bus length of 40 meters. The need for a cheap serial network arose as the technologies and […]