Deming Green Existing Cities


There are tremendous benefits in greening existing cities in the country, particularly in the context of several cities going smart. Green and smart are mutually inclusive and would offer benefits, both tangible and intangible

The tangible benefits of greening existing cities are as follows:

  • 10-12% reduction in power demand due to higher share of solar thermal, solar photovoltaic and wind energy
  • 25-30% reduction in the lighting consumption of the city
  • 15-20% reduction in water consumption due to better metering and monitoring
  • Increased segregation in municipal waste leading to better handling
  • Increase in use of public transport to the extent of 8-10%
  • 8-10% increase in use of treated wastewater for city application

The intangible benefits are as follows:

  • Better land use
  • Preparedness for climate disasters
  • Increase in ground water table
  • Increase in the city landscape cover
  • Provision for more public conveniences
  • Citizen engagement through the city e-portals
  • Better parking management strategies