Metrology Certificates for Belarus

Original price was: ₹400,000.00.Current price is: ₹200,000.00.

When it comes to metrology certificates in Belarus, the system is generally overseen by the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus (BelGosStandart). Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Scope of Metrology Certificates: Metrology certificates in Belarus cover a wide range of measuring instruments and equipment. This includes devices used in industries like manufacturing, healthcare, construction, and more.
  2. Types of Certificates:
    • Pattern Approval Certificates: These are issued for new measuring instruments to verify their compliance with national standards.
    • Verification Certificates: Issued after the instrument has been tested and verified to ensure it meets accuracy requirements.
    • Calibration Certificates: Confirm that an instrument has been calibrated according to national standards.
  3. Process:
    • Application: Manufacturers or importers usually submit an application to BelGosStandart for pattern approval.
    • Testing: BelGosStandart conducts tests to verify the instrument’s accuracy and compliance.
    • Issuance: Upon successful testing, the relevant certificate is issued.
  4. Validity: Metrology certificates usually have a specific validity period. After this period, the instrument needs to be retested or recalibrated to maintain its validity.
  5. Renewal and Recertification: For ongoing compliance, manufacturers or users may need to renew their certificates periodically. Recertification may also be required if the instrument undergoes repairs or modifications.
  6. Local Representation: Foreign manufacturers or suppliers may need a local representative in Belarus to facilitate the certification process and ensure compliance with local regulations.
  7. Documentation: Proper documentation, including technical specifications, test reports, and user manuals, is essential for obtaining and maintaining metrology certificates in Belarus.

It’s crucial to consult with BelGosStandart or a local representative familiar with Belarusian metrology regulations to get detailed and up-to-date information tailored to your specific needs. They can provide guidance on the application process, required documentation, fees, and other relevant details.

Remember, adherence to metrology standards and obtaining the necessary certificates is essential for ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and legality of measuring instruments used in Belarus.

Type of Certification Renewal
Type Of Industry Manufacturing
Type Of Service Provider Consulting Firm

The Belarus Metrology Certificate is a document confirming registration of the measuring instrument in the State Registry of Measuring Instruments.

This document confirms that this measuring instrument has passed through the specified certification procedure and is suitable for use within the scope of regulation of the Belarus authorities of metrological control and supervision. The document can be issued for serial production for 5 years or for a batch.