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Advance training program on Deming green healthcare 5

Deming has set up the Green Healthcare Core Committee to develop the rating programme. This
committee comprised of key stakeholders, including doctors, healthcare experts, administrators,
architects, builders, consultants, developers, owners, institutions, manufacturers and industry
representatives. The committee, with a diverse background and knowledge has enriched the rating
system, both in its content and process.
a) Preamble
By opting to apply for the rating it is understood and implied that the healthcare facility have
taken cognisance of naturally occurring events like earthquake, flood, tsunami and geological
phenomena during design.
b) Features
Deming Green Healthcare rating system® is a voluntary and consensus based programme. The
rating system has been developed based on practices, materials and technologies that are
presently available. The objective of Deming Green Healthcare rating system is to faciliate a

holistic approach to create environment friendly healthcare facilities.
The rating system evaluates certain mandatory requirements & credit points using a
prescriptive approach and others on a performance based approach. The rating system is
evolved so as to be comprehensive and at the same time user-friendly. The programme is
fundamentally designed to address national priorities and quality of life for patients.
Some of the unique aspects addressed in this rating system are as follows

Healing Architecture / Evidence based Design
• Emphasis on infection control strategies
• Recognition for architectural excellence through integrated design approach

Recognition for passive architectural features

Based on the feedback from green building proponents, use of certified green products
will be encouraged. Deming has launched a new initiative to certify green products to
transform markets. Products would be evaluated right from extraction to disposal.
• A site visit and audit is proposed before award of the rating.
• Projects are encouraged to report energy and water consumption data on an annual
basis, to facilitate research in this area.
c) Scope
Deming Green Healthcare rating system® is designed primarily for air-conditioned and non-air conditioned buildings

d) The Future of Deming Green Healthcare Rating System
Many healthcare specific green building materials, equipment and technologies are being
introduced in the market. With continuous up-gradation and introduction of healthcare specific
green technologies and products, it is important that the rating programme also keeps pace
with current standards and technologies.
Therefore, the rating programme will undergo periodic revisions to incorporate the latest
advancement and changes. It is important to note that project teams applying for Deming Green
Healthcare rating system® should register their projects with the latest version of the rating
system. During the course of implementation, projects have an option to transit to the latest version of rating center.

Overview and Process

Deming Green Healthcare rating system® addresses green features under the following categories

Indoor Environmental Quality

Sanitization & Hygiene
Energy Efficiency
Water Conservation
Site Selection and Planning
Building Materials and Resources
Innovation and Development
The guidelines detailed under each mandatory requirement & credit enables the design and
construction of Healthcare facilities of all sizes and types (as defined in scope). Different levels of
certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. However, every green Healthcare

facilities should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non-negotiable.

The various levels of rating awarded are as below:
Certification Level Recognition
Certified Best Practices
Silver Outstanding Performance

A. When to use Deming Green Healthcare rating System®
Deming Green Healthcare rating system® is designed primarily for Hospitals
The project team can evaluate all the possible points to apply under the rating system using a
suitable checklist. The project can apply for Deming Green Healthcare rating system® certification,
if the project can meet all mandatory requirements and achieve the minimum required points.
B. Registration
Organisations interested in registering their projects under Deming Green Healthcare rating system
Certification are advised to first register on Deming website ( under ‘Deming Green
Healthcare rating System’ tab. The website includes information on registration fee for Deming
member companies as well as non-members.
Registration is the first step which helps establish initial contact with Deming and provides access
to the required documents, templates, important communications and along with other necessary
Deming website provides all important details on Deming Green Healthcare rating system

registration & certification – process, schedule and fee.

C. Certification
To achieve the Deming Green Healthcare rating, the project must satisfy all the mandatory
requirements and the minimum number of credit points.
The project team is expected to provide supporting documents at preliminary and final stage of
submission, for all the mandatory requirements and the credits attempted.
The project needs to submit the following:
a) General information about project, including
i) Project brief stating project type, different type of spaces, occupancy, number of floors,
area statement, etc.,

C. Certification
To achieve the Deming Green Healthcare rating, the project must satisfy all the mandatory
requirements and the minimum number of credit points.
The project team is expected to provide supporting documents at preliminary and final stage of
submission, for all the mandatory requirements and the credits attempted.
The project needs to submit the following:
a) General information about project, including
i) Project brief stating project type, different type of spaces, occupancy, number of floors,
area statement, etc.,

b) Filled-in templates
c) Narratives and supporting documentation such as drawings, calculations (in excel sheets),
declarations / contract documents, purchase invoices, manufacturer cut-sheets / letters /
material test reports, etc., for each mandatory requirement

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