ISO 12402:2006 Personal Flotation Devices

Original price was: ₹25,000.00.Current price is: ₹20,000.00.

ISO 12402:2006 is an international standard that specifies requirements for personal flotation devices (PFDs) used by individuals for buoyancy and safety in water. PFDs are commonly used by swimmers, boaters, and others who may be in or around water to prevent drowning in case of accidental immersion.
Here are some key points and categories outlined in ISO 12402:2006 for personal flotation devices:
1. **Types of PFDs**: The standard categorizes PFDs into several types based on their intended use, buoyancy, and design:
   – **Type I**: Offshore lifejackets – designed for use in open water where rescue may be delayed.
   – **Type II**: Near-shore buoyancy vests – for calm inland waters where quick rescue is likely.
   – **Type III**: Flotation aids – for general boating or activities where rescue is likely to be quick.
   – **Type IV**: Throwable devices – like lifebuoys or rings.
   – **Type V**: Special-use devices – for specific activities like kayaking, windsurfing, or paddleboarding.
2. **Buoyancy**: Each type has specific buoyancy requirements to ensure it provides enough floatation for the intended use.
3. **Design and Construction**: The standard outlines requirements for materials, stitching, and overall construction to ensure durability and reliability of the PFD.
4. **Performance and Testing**: PFDs must undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet the standard’s requirements for buoyancy, durability, and performance in various conditions.
5. **Marking and Labeling**: PFDs compliant with ISO 12402:2006 should be clearly marked with the type, buoyancy, size, and other relevant information.
When choosing a PFD, it’s essential to select the right type and size for your intended activity and ensure it meets the requirements of ISO 12402:2006 or an equivalent national standard. Proper care and maintenance of the PFD are also crucial to ensure it remains effective and reliable over time.
Always remember to wear a PFD when participating in water activities, as it can be a lifesaving piece of equipment in emergencies.