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5s certification of Japanese way of house keeping

5S is a workplace organization method that uses a list of five Japanese words: seiri (整理), seiton (整頓), seisō (清掃), seiketsu (清潔), and shitsuke (躾). These have been translated as “sort”, “set in order”, “shine”, “standardize”, and “sustain”. The list describes how to organize a work space for efficiency and effectiveness by identifying and storing the items used, maintaining the area and items, and sustaining the new organizational system. The decision-making process usually comes from a dialogue about standardization, which builds understanding among employees of how they should do the work.

In some quarters, 5S has become 6S, the sixth element being safety (safe).

Other than a specific stand-alone methodology, 5S is frequently viewed as an element of a broader construct known as visual control,visual workplace, or visual factory. Under those (and similar) terminologies, Western companies were applying underlying concepts of 5S before publication, in English, of the formal 5S methodology. For example, a workplace-organization photo from Tennant Company (a Minneapolis-based manufacturer) quite similar to the one accompanying this article appeared in a manufacturing-management book in 1986.

The Steps of 5S

Sorting Methods for 5S

Sort is the first S. The point of this step is to ensure everything in the workspace is kept in its proper place so it is easy to locate, won’t get lost, and can be taken care of. It must also be noted that objects not in use, broken, or otherwise out of commission must be removed. Overall, tools and objects that are easy to find helps to boost productivity in the workplace.

A simple example of this organizational effort would be in an auto-mechanic shop where every single tool used in the facility is assigned a specific location to be kept when not in use. Compared to having to search through a general ‘tool area’ every time something is needed, this will save countless hours each year and offer many other advantages as well.

Set Items in Order for 5S

After an area has been properly sorted through to toss the unnecessary items and keep essential tools, it is then time to set everything in order. The Set in Order step goes hand in hand with Sort but takes organization to the next level. Rather than just assigning an item to one spot, the 5S team will analyze where that item will be best kept.

In the example of the mechanic’s shop, an item like an air-hose that is used constantly will be kept very close to the work area. Another tool that is only needed on rare occasions should be stored in an out of the way location. A facility that is properly set in order will operate far more efficiently.

5S is a fundamental first step for any manufacturing company, wishing to call itself world class. We will understand this with step by step approach of its deployment. The 5S program mandates that resources be provided at the required location and be available to support work activities. These ideals ensure that operations and tasks can be executed as required.

5 Ss are derived from the first letters of the Japanese words. The five Japanese “s” words for workplace organization are:


Quality Glossary Definition: Five S’s (5S)

5S is defined as a methodology that results in a workplace that is clean, uncluttered, safe, and well organized to help reduce waste and optimize productivity. It’s designed to help build a quality work environment, both physically and mentally. The 5S philosophy applies in any work area suited for visual control and lean production. The 5S condition of a work area is critical to employees and is the basis of customers’ first impressions.


The 5S quality tool is derived from five Japanese terms beginning with the letter “S” used to create a workplace suited for visual control and lean production. The pillars of 5S are simple to learn and important to implement:

Below, the Japanese terms are translated into the English language version of the 5S’s.


Quality Glossary Definition: Five S’s (5S)

5S is defined as a methodology that results in a workplace that is clean, uncluttered, safe, and well organized to help reduce waste and optimize productivity. It’s designed to help build a quality work environment, both physically and mentally. The 5S philosophy applies in any work area suited for visual control and lean production. The 5S condition of a work area is critical to employees and is the basis of customers’ first impressions.


The 5S quality tool is derived from five Japanese terms beginning with the letter “S” used to create a workplace suited for visual control and lean production. The pillars of 5S are simple to learn and important to implement:

Sort (seiri 整理)

1S – a red tag area containing items waiting for removal.

Seiri is sorting through all items in a location and removing all unnecessary items from the location.



Set in order (seiton 整頓)

2S – simple floor marking.

(Sometimes shown as Straighten)

Seiton is putting all necessary items in the optimal place for fulfilling their function in the workplace.



Shine (seiso 清掃)

3S – cleanliness point with cleaning tools and resources.

Seiso is sweeping or cleaning and inspecti

ng the workplace, tools and machinery on a regular basis.



Standardize (seiketsu 清潔)

Seiketsu is to standardize the processes used to sort, order and clean the workplace.



Sustain/self-discipline (shitsuke しつけ)

Shadow board (with tools’ outline) and worker’s movement that is being used in production floor

Shitsuke or sustain is the developed processes by self-discipline of the workers. Also translates as “do without being told”.



Variety of applications

5S methodology has expanded from manufacturing and is now being applied to a wide variety of industries including health care, education, and government. Visual management and 5S can be particularly beneficial in health care because a frantic search for supplies to treat an in-trouble patient (a chronic problem in health care) can have dire consequences. Although the origins of the 5S methodology are in manufacturing, it can also be applied to knowledge economy work, with information, software, or media in the place of physical product.

In lean product and process development

The output of engineering and design in a lean enterprise is information, the theory behind using 5S here is “Dirty, cluttered, or damaged surfaces attract the eye, which spends a fraction of a second trying to pull useful information from them every time we glance past. Old equipment hides the new equipment from the eye and forces people to ask which to use”.

See also


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